This is my Nightmare Forest game. I created this game in 2020. My refinement of this game was completed in 2021. The player is brought into a mysterious forest that is plagued with haunting creatures. The player has to unravel the mysteries of the forest, survive the nightmares, and ultimately escape.

This game was included in my ePortfolio to showcase my ability to create a highly immersive game with plenty of user feedback. My game does a great job at bringing ambient sounds, sound effects, user interface, and artificial intelligence into a single complete game experience. My game also does a good job at managing in game cameras, players health, and gun ammo via c++ code.

Development Tools Used: 
- Unreal Engine 4
- MS Visual Studio
- Adobe Photoshop
- Microsoft Paint
- Audacity

Skills Demonstrated in this Project:
- Game Engine Mastery
- 2D Graphics
- 3D Graphics
- Graphic Interface Design
This game allows random encounters with alien creatures who have their own AI for navigating the forest. As soon as the creatures see the player, a relentless pursuit takes place until they are destroyed by the player.
Players receive feedback from their environment via damage screen overlays, health bar, and health kit sound effects.
Development Reflection:
While creating Nightmare Forest, learned the power of game-play immersion when all of the correct game features are in place. My initial game had already established a solid landscape with vegetation and trees. Also, I had already included a gun ammo and health bar for the player. Initially, the game had limited sound effects, ambient noise, and user game-play feedback.

The initial feedback I received for the game was to improve the existing user interface and improve overall game-play. Ultimately, I ended up added a creepy background noise to the level and random monster noises that play during game-play. I was also able to add a player damage screen overlay that displays upon being damaged and slowly fades away. To let the player know when they pick up health kits, sound effects were added per health kit. Another area of refinement was the player interacting with NPCs. I updated the game to allow the player to destroy the aliens in the level while receiving sound effect feedback. Overall, all the changes I made helped create a mysterious forest with a horror atmosphere that provides good feedback to the player.
Nightmare Forest

Nightmare Forest
